Join Dr. Inessa, author of Slimming Down and Loving It!, as she shares her powerful proven method that will reprogram, restart, and refresh your entire mindset regarding food and weight and leave you instantly refreshed and rejuvenated!!
Intuitive healer and weight-loss specialist Dr. Inessa will be in New York for this special workshop that will help you tackle (and overcome) the truths behind why you may be unsatisfied with your appearance, weight, and overall physical health.
Come, experience and enjoy multi-dimensional healing and clearing of old negative weight programming!
Receive tools you will use right away for a life full of freedom, energy, vitality, joy and youthfulness!
You will also learn how to access your own inner calmness that radiates beauty within and without.
Not to be missed.
Please contact us for locations and times
In this workshop you will be guided to burst through the old barriers and become empowered to create the body of your dreams!
Sign up today!!!!!!
Plus you will get a FREE gift!