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MP3 recordings can guide you through Reikinosis and bring about positive and permanent changes, they are available in Session and in Affirmations (which is a combination of Subliminal and Audible recordings with background music).

For best results, it's recomended that you get both styles.

Bonuses: when you choose the Session style, you will get 2 recordings for the price of 1. One with voice and relaxing backgound music and the other has voice only.
When you choose the Affirmations style, most of the time, you will get 6 recordings: 3 Subliminal and 3 Audible. This is designed to help you on your transformational jorney.
MP3s can be downloaded immediately after purchase.

Listen to samples.


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Healing The Pain MP3
Healing The Pain MP3

Imagine your sense of accomplishment when you are able to take control of your mind and let go of physical discomfort, easily and simply. In this recording you are also guided to heal the source of the pain. This recording can be used to assist with medical procedures to lessen or eliminate the need for pain medication. Note: Never self-diagnose. Always consult a physician before directing your mind to release awareness of pain sensation. After your physician gives you the "go ahead" for this recording, listen to it at least once a day and preferably before sleep - it will help you sleep better and to heal yourself faster.

Introduction To Deep Calmness MP3
Introduction To Deep Calmness MP3

This is a great recording to listen to first. Listen to it until you feel that you are ready for the transformation effects of the other recordings.

Based on 1 reviews.

Self Healing MP3
Self Healing MP3

Our body can heal itself if we only let it. Our tissues are rebuilding every minute of every day. You are not the same person that you were when you started reading this. Many scientific studies show the power of imagination to affect our body's response, for example: the use of placebo pills to remove growths, unusually rapid recoveries from surgery, the ability to control blood flow after an accident, living through "terminal" illnesses, etc. Here you are guided to deeply get in touch with your body and help it do what it does best - build anew and leave old, limiting programming behind.

Super Memory - General Memory Development MP3
Super Memory - General Memory Development MP3

How many times did it happen that after you finished reading a page you took your eyes off the text and could not recall what you had read? Rest assured that this recording can change that. Here your mind is encouraged to open up and receive new information.

Super Memory - Linking Names to Faces MP3
Super Memory - Linking Names to Faces MP3

Forget names no more! This powerful recording will guide you to instantly match up images of faces with names for as long as you desire.

Super Memory - Memorizing Playing Cards MP3
Super Memory - Memorizing Playing Cards MP3

Develop a photographic memory for playing cards. Remember all the cards that were played easily - this recording can guide you to do just that. Listen to it the night before your game and allow your mind to shine. For best results, plan ahead: three weeks before the big game start listening every night.

Super Memory - Preparing for Tests MP3
Super Memory - Preparing for Tests MP3

This recording centers on suggestions to help you pass tests. You are guided to visualize yourself answering all the questions correctly, with calmness and tranquillity. You are also given powerful, positive suggestions for your general memory and are encouraged to develop a photographic memory.

Overcoming Anger MP3
Overcoming Anger MP3

Anger is an extremely negative emotion that produces no constructive or beneficial result. Someone may have done some things that caused you pain or discomfort, but by you reliving it again and again, you are multiplying the negative effect. Why on earth would you want to do such a thing? Unreleased anger can collect inside and cause physical problems and illnesses. It’s one thing to understand that you should let go of this anger, but another to know how. Learn to let go of the past and to embrace the fabulous present! In this powerful recording you are guided through deep relaxation to surround yourself with love and forgiveness and to free yourself to live a healthy and productive life!

Chakra Balancing MP3
Chakra Balancing MP3

Each of the seven main chakras plays vital functional roles in our physical body and in our normal subjective consciousness. The chakras are the means by which the functions of the all of the vehicles - including our physical body - are carried out. Enhancing the activity of one’s chakras can balance the associated functions and restore the harmony that is conducive to physiological and psychological health. This recording leads you through deep relaxation and visualization to balance each of the seven chakras and improve functioning. This recording is a good aid for general chakra balancing, the other chakra recordings focus entirely on individual chakras and are suited for development or restoration of specific areas.

Root Chakra MP3
Root Chakra MP3

This recording works deeply on the balancing of your root chakra. If you have an energy blockage in this area, then this recording is for you. Do you feel that you "don’t belong" or feel that you are not "home"? Do you have difficulty feeling grounded? Do you have difficulty making a living? Do you always feel tired? Do you have difficulty materializing your goals? Suicidal tendencies, homelessness, tendencies to panic and accidents are also issues that can be worked on by balancing your root chakra. The body parts that correlate to this chakra are the legs, hips, lower beck, rectum and uterus. Possible dis-eases due to an imbalance here are painful knees, sciatica, constipation, diarrhea, colitis and vaginal problems. This recording nurtures the basic needs of safety, security and survival. As this chakra is balanced feelings of "groundedness" and connection with the earth are strengthened, identity is enhanced and panic is replaced with calmness. Relief from feelings of frenzy and fatigue is common. Psychic skills involving regression, progression and near death experiences are often enhanced - this recording is particularly helpful when preparing for a past life regression.

Based on 1 reviews.

Belly Chakra MP3
Belly Chakra MP3

Balance your belly/second/spleen chakra with this recording. This chakra governs physical and emotional issues of creativity, sexuality and self-esteem. The second chakra is the center of our physical origin. Blockage here can manifest itself in strong feelings of sin or guilt. Emotions such as anger, hurt and resentment are centered here, so are difficulties with self-esteem, and fears of being uncreative or unproductive. Here are stored pictures from past traumas as well as feelings of a need to control. The body parts that correlate to this chakra are the large intestine, bladder, kidneys, lumbar spine, and pelvis. Included for women are the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. Possible problems due to a blockage or imbalance here are arthritis, urinary tract infections, infertility, sexual dysfunction, sexually transmitted diseases, and diseases of the spinal discs, kidneys and female reproductive organs. In this recording we work on all these issues to help you let go of these undesirable emotions and to live a productive and sexually satisfying life. Balancing the belly chakra can clear retained images of past traumas and ease the manifested physical problems associated with those traumas. The psychic ability to perceive the feelings of others can be developed through this chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra MP3
Solar Plexus Chakra MP3

Balancing of your solar plexus chakra is the focus of this recording. This chakra governs self-confidence, survival intuition, business sense, and learning ability. A blockage at this level might be manifested in fear of one’s free will being violated, an inability to free oneself from coercive situations, an inability to accept responsibility, a fear or criticism of being ignored, and a fear of failure. Organs that are affected by this chakra are the stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and small intestine. Dis-eases include eating disorders, obesity, addictions, stomach ulcers, diabetes, gallstones, indigestion, motion sickness, nausea, and flu. Here you are guided to free yourself from anxiety and fear, and from limiting beliefs about yourself and your business sense. You also learn to increase your intuitive awareness, self-confidence, willpower, material success, and energy flow. This recording heightens feelings of self-empowerment, responsibility and confidence in your ability to develop your business side. Here you are learning to take positive control of your life. As you continue balancing this area, you may notice the excess fat in this area melt away (fat is frequently anger that is withheld and blocked)...

Heart Chakra MP3
Heart Chakra MP3

Here you are guided to balance your heart chakra. The heart chakra is the center of the creative mind, it connects basic survival needs with more complex needs and affects your ability to love - both others and yourself. If you find it difficult to give or receive, or are feeling unloved, lonely, rejected or jealous, then your heart chakra could benefit from this recording. Dis-eases at this chakra can affect the heart, lungs and circulatory system. Physical manifestations can surface in the shoulders and upper back. Difficulties in relationships can often be overcome by balancing the heart chakra - learning to love oneself makes loving others easier. As your heart chakra is developed compassion for yourself and others grows. Your internal self-confidence and security is projected to those around you and naturally enhances all of your relationships.

Throat Chakra MP3
Throat Chakra MP3

The throat chakra can be balanced with this recording. The throat chakra is the center of communication, expression, and hearing. All change, transformation, and healing is rooted here. Difficulties with this chakra may manifest as an inability to speak for oneself or being unable to communicate feelings. Other signs may be poor attention, telling of lies or exaggerations, and an inability to make needed changes. Physical symptoms might be headaches, sore throats, hearing and dental problems, and neck discomfort. Use of this recording can relieve obstacles to clear communication of your ideas and feelings. Letting go of ill feelings toward others becomes easier when the throat chakra is balanced. You can often recognize conflicts between what you’re doing and what you know you should be doing, and gain an understanding and determination of the correct way to proceed. Karmic upsets can be released, and telepathy - especially with spirit guides - is often enhanced through balancing of this chakra.

Third Eye Chakra MP3
Third Eye Chakra MP3

This recording balances the third eye chakra. This chakra deals with more complex intellectual concepts of awareness such as ethical values, judgement, and reasoning. An imbalance here can result in paranoia, denial of truth and a refusal to learn from mistakes. Possible manifestations are vision and learning problems, and re-occurring illness. Balancing this chakra improves your ability to see through illusion and perceive reality. Also enhanced is the ability to see psychic truths beyond the physical reality and the acceptance of detachment from ego. Clear thought and analysis prevails. Balance your third eye chakra to facilitate visualization and to harness and direct your internal energies. The psychic skill of clairvoyance is developed through this chakra.

Crown Chakra MP3
Crown Chakra MP3

This recording works on the balancing of your spiritual center, your crown chakra. This chakra involves wisdom, courage and awareness of identity beyond the physical. Diseases involving the central nervous system can be rooted here. When this chakra is balanced you can see the "bigger picture" and problems that once seemed large pale now appear smaller. An expanded spiritual consciousness brings about perceptions of larger possibilities and facilitates oneness with the universe.

Opening Doors of Perception (ESP) MP3
Opening Doors of Perception (ESP) MP3

We are not human beings with spiritual experiences - we are spiritual beings with human experiences. We all have abilities beyond the traditional five senses; some choose to develop them, others choose to wait for closed doors to open themselves. Here you are safely guided to gently open the doors and to allow yourself to see, to sense, to perceive... at new levels. Each time you listen to this recording you direct your consciousness to expand.

Control Drinking MP3
Control Drinking MP3

Drinking is socially acceptable in many cultures, but when you become reliant on it, it takes over as if with a will of its own. Seizing control of your drinking compulsion will be best thing that ever happened to you. To reduce or even stop drinking was never that easy. You can control your alcohol consumption without feeling deprived or having any other negative symptoms. Imagine replacing your old habit with new happiness...

Eliminating Drug Addiction MP3
Eliminating Drug Addiction MP3

"I want to stop, but I can’t!" I have heard this before. To a person that is addicted to drugs, the drug becomes the most important thing in life - all resources are directed to obtain it. But there is hope. Through this recording you are guided to release and let go of this addiction, to be able to say "No!" and mean it! 

Letting Go of Guilt MP3
Letting Go of Guilt MP3

A person that feels a tremendous amount of guilt also feels inadequate, has low self-esteem and believes that "it’s all my fault"! These feelings keep an individual down, often causing depression and sometimes thoughts of suicide. This has to stop now! Stop these negative feelings from destroying you further! In this recording you are guided to free yourself from these emotions, to let go of feeling inadequate and burdened with guilt, and to finally declare: I am free!

Boundless Energy MP3
Boundless Energy MP3

Do you feel tired for no apparent reason? Do you slumber on the couch at the first sign of twilight? Do you drag your feet throughout the day? The solution is here. This recording can guide you to boundless energy anytime you choose ... even after a long, hard day in the office.

Exercise Enthusiasm MP3
Exercise Enthusiasm MP3

If after listening to this recording you feel an uncontrollable desire to jump up and work out, don’t be surprised. Here you are learning to associate pleasure with movement. Excitement associated with anticipation of the outcome will stimulate a strong desire to persevere. How many times you heard that exercise is good for you, but you always found an excuse not to do it? Let this powerful program motivate and guide you to seek opportunities for movement and exercise. Exercise will became a fun past time - as it should be - and not a chore that you are trying to avoid!

Past Life Regression MP3
Past Life Regression MP3

Discover your hidden talents and wonderful abilities through the wisdom of past life regression. You’ll be surprised to find out how many things you brought to this life from your many past lives. Collect the knowledge of the ages. Use all of your hidden resources to succeed in your current life! Did you ever visit a place for the first time and suddenly feel that you’ve been there before? Or meet a person that you could swear you already know? Discover the answers to those questions and more through this program.

Ending Nail Biting MP3
Ending Nail Biting MP3

With some people, nail biting is often an uncontrollable response to a time of stress. An outlet is sought to release, to let go, to calm, to handle... To the outsider the person may seem completely composed and calm, but the commotion is boiling inside and manifests itself in unconscious nail biting. In this recording you are guided to train your mind to truly embrace tranquillity inside and out and leave biting nail to the past. You will finally enjoy strong, healthy nails and cuticles and a calm and balanced mind and body.

Attracting Love MP3
Attracting Love MP3

When you truly love yourself you feel good about yourself and others, and are open for the rewarding experience of finding your compatible mate. In this recording Inessa guides you to open yourself to meeting that special someone by heightening your awareness of the endless opportunities that surround you in your daily life. Love can strike in the most unexpected places if you just allow yourself to be open...

Finding Love MP3
Finding Love MP3

Before you can truly love someone and enjoy the union, you need to love yourself! Here you are led through self-discoveries and self-appreciation to find your true love - your own! When you love yourself, you know that you deserve to feel good, you know that you deserve to be happy and you know that you deserve to surround yourself with positive and stimulating people that compliment your personality and life views. Note: The script for this recording was channeled by Inessa during a private session in 1997.

Maintaining Love MP3
Maintaining Love MP3

This recording is for the lucky ones that have found love and compatibility. Now you want the love to evolve, and to build mutual trust and respect while allowing for individual growth. Enjoy years of affection, admiration and wonderful closeness that can only be achieved between two people that really know each other!

Boosting Self-Esteem MP3
Boosting Self-Esteem MP3

Are you feeling down on yourself? Or feeling undeserving? Learn to accept that you deserve to feel good. We all are God’s creations, and God created us all with love and compassion in mind. There is no one just like you in the entire universe, thus making you unique and special. We all are special in our own individual way. You were created for a reason. You are here on this earth at this time to learn, to accomplish, to build and to develop. In this recording you are encouraged to learn, accomplish, build, develop, to allow yourself to enjoy - and deserve - all the wonderful things that life has to offer. Use your unique abilities to contribute, to share, and to experience being alive and the pleasures it can bring you. Release inhibitions and self-defeating thoughts and emerge a new, self-confident and secure YOU! Strong self-esteem can improve your success in many aspects of life: career advancement, starting or deepening relationships, ... When you possess an attitude that you deserve what you seek, your drive to attain those goals will increase dramatically.

Stress Buster MP3
Stress Buster MP3

Calmness and Tranquillity are nice words, but how can a fast-paced executive or a single mother of two ever get it? Easily! This recording will transform you into an oasis of peace and serenity, teaching you how to bring it on a moment’s notice - any time you choose. Your subconscious will embrace the suggestions to respond calmly and gracefully to stress. When stressful situations occur your mind will remain calm, tranquil and relaxed - allowing you to act, not react. 

Based on 1 reviews.

Peaceful Sleep - Falling Asleep MP3
Peaceful Sleep - Falling Asleep MP3

Are you having difficulty falling asleep? Are you tossing and turning or frequently looking at the clock? Embracing the pleasure of a peaceful sleep will bring rewards of a restful body, a clear mind, sharp thinking and quick reflexes. The"Peaceful Sleep" recordings can give you all of this and more.

Peaceful Sleep - Staying Asleep MP3
Peaceful Sleep - Staying Asleep MP3

"Staying Asleep" guides you to allow your body to enjoy its rightful rejuvenation as you sleep all through the night - peacefully, calmly - and wake up ready to enjoy another wonderful day! Whatever your sleeping challenge, worry no longer, the help is here.

Quit Smoking MP3
Quit Smoking MP3

Be healthy again! Perhaps some time ago smoking was desirable for you, but not any more - it’s time to separate your life from it. Now through this recording it’s easy to quit, even if you think you’re a "hopeless" case. This recording guides you to dissociate yourself from this unhealthy habit and develop attachments to all the positive benefits of a life free from smoking.You are coaxed to free yourself from this addiction naturally, easily, safely, without withdrawal symptoms and without gaining a pound!

Attracting Wealth MP3
Attracting Wealth MP3

This recording addresses two major issues that frequently hinder the accumulation of wealth: subconscious negative associations with rich people and a general lack of understanding about how to accumulate wealth. Many of us learned to believe that rich people are cruel, selfish and generally unpleasant to be around. It’s no wonder that you didn’t want to be one - and may even have sabotaged your advancement up the corporate ladder or at your own business. This recording guides you to let go of limiting beliefs and to embrace wealth. You are guided to understand that it’s your essence of individual personality that governs how you treat yourself and others, not the size of your capital. The other major focus of this recording is to implant in your subconscious the desire to seek out and capitalize on the daily opportunities to improve the state of your wealth. Suggestions will be given to associate pleasure with the rituals of observation, awareness, goal refinement, learning and evaluation - all of which are essential to make the incremental gains that compound into the wealth you seek. If you listen to this recording according to the instructions for at least 21 days, you may notice that you feel deserving of wealth with all your heart and possess the tools and motivation to acquire it.

Weight Control - Healthy Eating MP3
Weight Control - Healthy Eating MP3

Do you consume high-fat, high-sugar snacks in between meals? Or instead of meals? Do you long for increased energy throughout the day? Do you desire to feel fit and productive? Then this first script is for you! In this highly effective script you are guided to restore feelings of health, energy and vitality. You are guided to release the desire for high-fat foods and sugars and to enjoy fruits and vegetables as healthy and life-giving snacks. As a result, you can find yourself with more energy, feeling younger, healthier and stronger.  

Weight Control - Eliminate Night Snacking MP3
Weight Control - Eliminate Night Snacking MP3

Do you feel the need to snack at night? Do you eat when watching television or reading a book? Do you feel hungry just a few short hours after dinner? I know that you are aware of how unhealthy snacking at night is for your body. Here you are encouraged to stop consumption of late night snacks and to embrace health. You are guided to become completely satisfied by a well-balanced moderate dinner while increasing your energy level. Note: the "Affirmations" style of this product are the same as Weight Control – Healthy Eating.

Writer’s Creativity MP3
Writer’s Creativity MP3

Do you have difficulty writing reports, briefs, papers, ...? These recordings encourage your creative juices to flow. You will be guided to organize your thoughts, communicate clearly and concisely, and easily create stimulating writing ideas.Get the subliminal version as well, and let it play when you are trying to write, compose, invent.

Wealth Package
Wealth Package

Want to be able to travel anywhere you want, anytime you want with anyone you want? Want to be able to buy that house for your parents or to pamper them the way you know they deserve to be pampered? In this package you will find hypnosis recordings that are working together to create the best environment for wealth retention and acquisition. You will be more relaxed, sleep better and have a much clearer and more defined goals for wealth attainment.  In this package are powerful, time-tested hypnosis recordings that are lovingly guiding and encouraging you to create the life you want, full of wealth and comfort.  Isn't it time you began today?