Balance your belly/second/spleen chakra with this recording. This chakra governs physical and emotional issues of creativity, sexuality and self-esteem. The second chakra is the center of our physical origin. Blockage here can manifest itself in strong feelings of sin or guilt. Emotions such as anger, hurt and resentment are centered here, so are difficulties with self-esteem, and fears of being uncreative or unproductive. Here are stored pictures from past traumas as well as feelings of a need to control. The body parts that correlate to this chakra are the large intestine, bladder, kidneys, lumbar spine, and pelvis. Included for women are the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. Possible problems due to a blockage or imbalance here are arthritis, urinary tract infections, infertility, sexual dysfunction, sexually transmitted diseases, and diseases of the spinal discs, kidneys and female reproductive organs.
In this recording we work on all these issues to help you let go of these undesirable emotions and to live a productive and sexually satisfying life. Balancing the belly chakra can clear retained images of past traumas and ease the manifested physical problems associated with those traumas. The psychic ability to perceive the feelings of others can be developed through this chakra.
See also: The Function and Awakening of Chakras.
Recordings are available as a Session and as Affirmations. A Session may be the most familiar to you as hypnosis recordings. They consist of progressive relaxation and constructive positive left- and right-brain suggestions, followed by guidance back to conscious awareness. Affirmations include "Subliminal" and "Audible" Styles that can help you achieve your desired results quicker than the Session alone. They can be used while sleeping or doing other tasks without the need for dedicated time. These styles use repetition to convince the subconscious mind to accept the suggestions. Subliminal Style - Suggestions that are inaudible (or barely audible) at the conscious level are concealed by music. Here the suggestions are bypassing the conscious mind and go directly to the subconscious to help it accept the beneficial suggestions quicker. The acceptance of the suggestions is transparent. For best results, play this recording in the background when you work and at times when your concentration is needed elsewhere. Note: these recordings should not be used on people without their awareness and consent. Audible Style - Audible suggestions are mixed with background music. The suggestions are perceived at both the conscious and unconscious levels. For best results, let this recording play in the background as you go throughout your day (driving a car, watching TV, washing dishes, during recreation, etc. and - of course - during sleep). This recording can also be used as affirmations that you can repeat to yourself. Particularly effective results can be obtained when all the styles are used together. Instructions for the optimal use of the recordings. |