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Solar Plexus Chakra MP3

Solar Plexus Chakra MP3
Product Code: Solar Plexus Chakra - MP3
Availability: In Stock

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* Session or Affirmations?:

Balancing of your solar plexus chakra is the focus of this recording. This chakra governs self-confidence, survival intuition, business sense, and learning ability. A blockage at this level might be manifested in fear of one’s free will being violated, an inability to free oneself from coercive situations, an inability to accept responsibility, a fear or criticism of being ignored, and a fear of failure. Organs that are affected by this chakra are the stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and small intestine. Dis-eases include eating disorders, obesity, addictions, stomach ulcers, diabetes, gallstones, indigestion, motion sickness, nausea, and flu.

Here you are guided to free yourself from anxiety and fear, and from limiting beliefs about yourself and your business sense. You also learn to increase your intuitive awareness, self-confidence, willpower, material success, and energy flow. This recording heightens feelings of self-empowerment, responsibility and confidence in your ability to develop your business side. Here you are learning to take positive control of your life. As you continue balancing this area, you may notice the excess fat in this area melt away (fat is frequently anger that is withheld and blocked)...

See also: The Function and Awakening of Chakras.

Recordings are available as a Session and as Affirmations.

A Session may be the most familiar to you as hypnosis recordings. They consist of progressive relaxation and constructive positive left- and right-brain suggestions, followed by guidance back to conscious awareness.

Affirmations include "Subliminal" and "Audible" Styles that can help you achieve your desired results quicker than the Session alone. They can be used while sleeping or doing other tasks without the need for dedicated time. These styles use repetition to convince the subconscious mind to accept the suggestions.

Subliminal Style - Suggestions that are inaudible (or barely audible) at the conscious level are concealed by music. Here the suggestions are bypassing the conscious mind and go directly to the subconscious to help it accept the beneficial suggestions quicker. The acceptance of the suggestions is transparent. For best results, play this recording in the background when you work and at times when your concentration is needed elsewhere. Note: these recordings should not be used on people without their awareness and consent.

Audible Style - Audible suggestions are mixed with background music. The suggestions are perceived at both the conscious and unconscious levels. For best results, let this recording play in the background as you go throughout your day (driving a car, watching TV, washing dishes, during recreation, etc. and - of course - during sleep). This recording can also be used as affirmations that you can repeat to yourself.

Particularly effective results can be obtained when all the styles are used together. 

Instructions for the optimal use of the recordings.

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