Stress Tip #1


Way too often we get caught up in things that keep us busy and we forget to take care of the most fundamental of all activities: breathing. Our breath connects us to this universe, to each other, and to ourselves. Too many people have forgotten how to breathe! When we subsist on short, shallow breaths, we are doing an extreme disservice to our body. Every cell in your body needs oxygen to function, and you can help boost your emotions and physical health by simply BREATHING!

Take five minutes out of your day- when you wake up or before you eat lunch, or whenever works for you. Become present in your body and in the moment. Become aware of your breath. Study it for a short while. Now, inhale and exhale deeply and slowly 5 times as you relax your body. Ease the tension in your neck by gently bringing your head forward to touch your chest. Next roll your head slowly to the right shoulder, then to the left shoulder, then back upright. Repeat as needed. Now close your eyes and count backwards from ten to zero… Visualize your worries shrinking in importance with each count down. Continue breathing deeper still as you relax and let go… Feel how freeing and calming it is to breathe properly. All wellness begins here, with proper breathing. Your body deserves the healing and life-giving oxygen. When you are ready, slowly allow your eyes to open as you completely let go of any stress.. Notice how calm and empowered you feel!

This can be practiced as many times per day as you wish. It really is as simple as learning how to breathe more deeply. You will notice stress fading, higher endurance, and an overall sense of wellbeing by changing the way you breathe.

Thank you for taking this journey with me today.

Yours in Calmness,

Dr. Inessa