Just as we discussed last week, the Wealth Mindset resides in us all! To see this, first acknowledge that you deserve fortune, then (with goodwill towards all) pursue – and fully commit to – the wealth goal in every avenue of life.
Beginning steps are the toughest, as you must break through many years of harmful and destructive programming just to begin existing in the new zone… the realm of possibility.
Of course, it’s a process just as is any habit change. STOP saying things to the effect of “being broke”, “penniless”, “so poor”, “stupid”, “unworthy”. JUST STOP. It may seem like a very small detail, it may seem silly. But it adds up, and the results are far from funny. Constantly bringing yourself down, let alone battling external daily influences, is one of the gravest and worst injustices you can perpetrate. Seriously!
Experiments done by scientists and metaphysicians alike have time and again come to the conclusion: we are what we think. We become what we encourage. We are defined by our actions which are defined by our thoughts which are defined by the slant we allow our thoughts to have. In more straightforward terms: thinking, knowing, and acting as though something is true causes that something to become true.
Whenever you begin to utter anything along the negative lines (or even right after you’ve said it, if you didn’t catch it in time) IMMEDIATELY obliterate that thought or phrase and state the opposite. Say “erase, erase” and be engulfed in thankfulness that the opposite POSITIVE phrase is correct.
I’ll give you an example. Suzie noticed the connotations right after she told a friend that if she spent one more penny she’d be totally broke… Although the bird had already flown, so to speak, she knew she had a chance to make it right. Out loud (in this case she chose to whisper to herself) “erase erase erase” and then she asserted a positive and still factual statement: “Another penny is not to be wasted on this project… it’s not in the budget. I am rich though and so thankful for it!”
Just as in painting, different strokes for different folks. However is right for you, find ways today to incorporate positive healthy speech into your life. Tell yourself always that you are rich and dancing with abundance. Behave in ways that show it’s true. Tell yourself (and others) descriptive phrases about your worth and value. It’s OK, because you wish the same for everyone else!
Imagine that your previous mindset is a skin to be shed. Imagine the poverty-speak and poor-mindset of before Peeling Away… never to be seen again… Every moment every hour everyday just peeling away, going extinct, being replaced by this New skin of fortune, luck, goodwill, wealth & health. Once you start imagining this skin peeling away from you, send positive thoughts for smooth transitions… You exist now in the realm of wealth, the realm of abundance, the Realm of the New.
Recognize the changes, be thankful, Be Just & Be Kind & keep your dignity… I think this new skin fits so much better? Begin comprehending it more every day, knowing that with every detail and every reconfiguration you are becoming more lucky… You are more fortunate, you are incredibly rich, and abundance is everywhere in your life!
Contact me for guidance and to pinpoint the journey to better get you where you’re going!
After you realize that there’s a limitless amount of wealth available, and you really do pay-it-forward, more confirmation of being on the right path shows up…! At that point on my journey, I found myself really thankful for how abundant positive abundance really is! 😉
Yours in Calmness,
Dr. Inessa