The Simplicity of “Mindfulness”

Mindfulness has one meaning: being present in the moment and in the Now. The oldest method available today is Vipassana, but any meditation technique achieves similar results, as long as you are clearing your mind and learning to be more present in the now.

These days we’re busier than ever, with smaller and smaller windows of time for leisure…. It seems as if it gets more difficult to find time to relax.


I’ve discovered that two 20-minute bouts of meditation a day bring me a wonderful sense of ease and help me focus better in all aspects. Within the past several months, I’ve made a point daily to take a little time for myself. I try to set my alarm twenty minutes early, sit comfortably in a quiet spot, close my eyes, and focus on deep breathing.

When this is accompanied by some pleasant instrumental music and a little determination, I find my mind and heart rate slowing, my breathing getting deeper, and my sense of well-being going through the roof! By the time I’m done, I’ve achieved a clarity that helps me through the day!

While I still have obligations, they no longer seem overwhelming or numerous. In fact, I’m eager to engage the world, and even the most mundane errand takes on a new tone! While I’m better able to focus on one thing at a time, I also have that feeling that anything is possible!!!

When you take into consideration that a better mindset leads to inner peace AND a greater level of productivity, it’s obviously a win-win.

When counting my breaths, I work on engaging my diaphragm and allowing my stomach to expand. So often we’re told that slim, flat stomachs are attractive and we subconsciously keep our stomach muscles tensed to emulate that look. After a few minutes of deep-bellied breathing, I feel a noticeable calmness in places I didn’t even know had tension!

The best part about this exercise is that it’s very easy!
It’s made up of only two things: quiet surroundings where you won’t be disturbed and deep breathing.
For beginners, repetition of just those two things is enough to enact a change in mindset!
Some choose to punctuate their breaths with a simple mantra: one word or phrase that has a deep meaning. Other than that, nothing is required.
While the mind occasionally wanders, very consciously breathing-in, exhaling, and making sure each breath is slow and deep is enough to keep you on-track.
I notice the subtle effects of this practice throughout the day! My feathers don’t get ruffled as easily anymore. I don’t have the need for a quick sense of relief, so I’m less likely to grab that extra coffee, glass of wine, or piece of cake. I feel calmer and more in-control.
In fact, I’ve often seen people’s diet habits change noticeably, even after practicing this method twice a day for just a week.


Another way meditation is helpful to many is through its ability to bring about sleep. There are nights when it’s hard to slow the chatter and whirring of thoughts. At bedtime, do you sometimes listen to classical music like Chopin or Bach?
I’ve noticed that meditating before bed (without music) makes me nod off extremely fast! My dreams are typically more pleasant and I wake up feeling so refreshed!

I’ve even noticed that less sleep feels like it’s enough when I meditate before bedtime.

I try to discipline myself and start off on a good note every morning, regardless of the circumstances. I remind myself that I’m more efficient with my time when I meditate so I never have an excuse!

Deep breathing is the path to a positive and productive mindset. With a little time invested twice a day, your demeanor will change drastically! You’ll also discover an ever-present happiness that will motivate you to do better in every way!

Yours in Calmness,
Dr. Inessa

Four Easy Ways to Increase Your Vibration!

You create your own reality. Take advantage of your powers!
But… increasing your vibration?? What does that mean?

Maybe you’ve never thought about it before.
The law of attraction says that like attracts like, and this goes so much further than just holding onto a positive attitude!

Similar to radio waves (heard but unseen), your vibrational frequency is composed of your thoughts + emotions + consciousness, and it’s always being broadcasted into the world. This broadcast then attracts similar experiences, people, and opportunities – good or bad. A higher vibration attracts more high-frequency experiences that are spiritually-uplifting or “positive”.
A low vibration attracts the opposite.

nTesla frequency

It’s been proven that everything works on energy and we’re all made up of atoms that move about at different frequencies… The higher your frequency, the more positive and in-touch you are. You will feel better while staying productive and focused, and you’ll effortlessly find (and maintain) your center.

As the creator of your mood, you have the power to hold onto the feelings that serve you. Utilize any of the following to stay uplifted: laughter, being silly or creative, and finding enjoyment in every (and any) fleeting moment! When you feel an intense rush of happiness or buzz of joy, it’s actually you experiencing your vibration!

Various external stress throughout the day is inevitable, and of course it’s how you deal with these events that matters most. Often we’ll carry around negativity without meaning to, and it collects in different parts of the body.
An added benefit to maintaining (and striving for) a higher vibration, is that aches and pains subside more easily and releasing stress from moment-to-moment becomes effortless!

Some simple ways to help increase your vibration:
1. Bathing and Showering.
Something that we do anyway, but pay attention to the water droplets, and allow only positivity to wash over you, releasing any grayness you may have collected…
2. Finding every reason you can to get up and move around!
Ideally it’s in nature, but it still counts if you just make a habit of stretching your legs and moving your body however feels right (yoga, stretches, runs, walks, structured exercise). It’s healthy to break up the sedentary times and teach yourself to keep your back straight!
3. Talk to positive people!
Spend time with those in your life that you know will help keep you smiling. Tell the difference between positive and negative people by how you look and feel when you’re with them. Positive people will help you feel empowered and content.
4. Don’t pay as much attention to the news.
The mainstream media runs on the shock factor, and they enjoy dramatizing negative events. Detoxify yourself as much as possible from these sources, and follow news that contributes to you feeling kinder toward (and safer around) your fellow humans. Another example of like attracting like: if you keep up with uplifting (not frightening) news, then you are more likely to feel love and kindness when you’re around people, hence you’ll bring more positivity and joy to every encounter.

heart earth

Thank you for joining me today!
Yours in Calmness,
Dr. Inessa

4 Solutions to Help End Hidden Stress in Relationships

Sometimes, even with your best efforts and the utilization of all kinds of techniques (better daily habits, thinking more positively, etc), you still find yourself lacking something… a missing piece, some extra snippet of insight…
What could it possibly be?

Your confusion might develop something like this:
“I am positive, I am abundant, I am thankful and kind, and use Love in every interaction I can. But I still experience negativity, often a few times a day! And it only seems to worsen…”

It’s likely due to the quality of your social interactions.

Perhaps your social life and your everyday interactions with others are off-kilter? Or maybe they bring about extra negativity that you’re not getting rid of?

We’re inherently social. We need others. We need family and loved ones.
The people we interact with SHAPE us. We are emotionally-vested in these relationships and their patterns… The effects of every interaction show up in psychological and physiological ways.

The levels of hostility and aggression in any relationship can have an effect on the immune system – by way of the reactions the body has to external negativity. Pay attention to the way you react to the people and situations in your life! Reacting with hostility is more hurtful to you than to the receiver.

Nowadays we’re more distanced from each-other via electronics….
Many will find this image powerful, as it shows the growing tech phenomenon and its impact on family life:


It’s helpful to loosen that e-leash!!!!
Revel in the moment! Enjoy the nuances of your surroundings!
Allow yourself to relax wherever it is that you are, with no distractions — except maybe from your mind as you clear it with breaths of relaxation.

It’s impossible to appreciate THE MOMENT when you’re constantly multi-tasking! Believe it or not, in many situations this behavior doesn’t even prove to be productive! You listen less, you talk less, and you engage not at all.
Plus, when you do engage others it’s more likely to be on the aggressive side of the spectrum, because things were misconstrued or misunderstood. Maybe you repeated it too many times, or they thought you were arguing when in fact the opposite was true. It means a world of difference to take those few extra seconds and truly grasp what a person is saying.

So, just a few simple solutions to incorporate to help you Overcome these Hidden Stresses:
1) If breaking with technology daily for a few hours seems tough, start small with a daily ‘unplugged’ hour, unplugged after work for an increasing number of hours, and eventually to one tech-free day per week! It might take a while, but every loosening of the technology-leash is progress!!

2) Work on your responses and reactions being less aggressive, and More Understanding – inside and out.

3) Practice listening to listen, instead of listening just to respond.


An added benefit is that when you have more to value in life (and higher quality values) you can reflect on these at ANY time and it’s been scientifically proven to lower stress levels and help with positive response.
As you improve your relationships to improve your calmness, your improved relationships lead to more calmness — even with things that are unrelated!

Have a wonderful day!
Yours in Calmness,
Dr. Inessa

Part 2: Overcome The 12 Phrases (You Probably Use) That Hold You Back Everyday!

The mind is indispensable and usually ingenious, plus it’s always turning those gears…
But who is benefited by the current cycles?
Is the greater good of you and your life being assisted?
Are you perhaps easily discouraged, or often running out of steam?

At times, have you noticed yourself using the following Self-Defeating Phrases (SDP)?
7. I can do it later/tomorrow/next time.
8. I don’t feel like it (OR) One time isn’t a big deal.
9. I’m tired (OR) I deserve a break/reward.
10. It would be so great to just stop or quit…
11. The end-goal of (this) isn’t that important anyway…
12. I’m afraid of… (any part of the situation or potential for failure).

It’s OK to admit it; we all use these phrases now and then.
There’s nothing wrong with giving-in sometimes. The trouble is when that giving-in becomes the habit, and progress is halted indefinitely. Habits can only be changed if you stay focused and determined. You can rise above every excuse with a concrete decision to be strong-willed and straight-forward!!!!

With the right approach and some planning ahead, any obstacle you come across can be overcome. Every wrench in the plan can be easily re-purposed and used for good towards the final goal. Continue to recognize the areas where you need growth, and keep congratulating yourself as you move along (or at least acknowledge your progress)!
Don’t wait for this encouragement from the outside… You’re on an introspective journey and only you know the daily triumphs!

Here is how to overcome any of the SDP mentioned above:
7. Begin to incorporate a touch-it-once approach where you can. Perhaps create to-do lists where the Important and the Urgent are on different columns so you can better plan your productivity.
8. You’re right… one time (if it really is just once) is fine. The truth is, it rarely is just once. Push through wherever possible! By pushing through, you expand your comfort zones often and gain countless health benefits!
9. You can easily and quickly grow accustomed to [a new positive life change] and Enjoy your day-to-day even more! A proven approach is coupling your new habit (e.g. going to the gym) with a reward (e.g. reading a few more chapters in your book).
10. If you’re shining a light around and making waves in your world, it’s possible that you might encounter an opposite reaction. This is more proof that you’re on the right path… Don’t quit now! You already know Light is exponentially stronger.
11. The end-goal IS IMPORTANT. It’s the only intensely important thing there is. This is the sneakiest trick the mind plays, but it’s a weak maneuver. Hold fast to your resolve.
12. Base fear can be very similar to the effect of an adrenaline rush… its presence also means a threshold is about to be crossed, and all that’s left is the Courage to forge ahead. Face your fear now! It’s always milder than our over-active brain envisions! 🙂

So what’s next?
Begin anticipating these SDP (as they occur for you) and prepare your answer for each one.
If the situation calls for giving in, then do it with purpose and pay attention to the results!
Are you happier? Is your life better? Was it worth it?
Be honest with yourself.
If the answer to any of those questions was “No”, then remember that.

In this way, you will continue to Progress while Enjoying Life.
PLUS you get to reap the benefits of a mind that works FOR you (instead of against you)!

Keep encouraging yourself, and admiring the awesome qualities you’ve been displaying! You’ve got this.

Feel free to re-visit this entry or Part One anytime, for help responding to any self-defeating phrases that may arise!

Have an amazing day. 🙂

Yours in Calmness,
Dr. Inessa