Exercise Recovery, The Soccer Superstar Way

We all know that physical activity is important for anyone seeking to maintain health and meet their weight goals. Over the last few decades, scientific research, brainstorming, and trial-and-error have created some of the most efficient methods out there.

A shining example of the best methods being put to excellent use is Dawn Scott, the fitness and performance coach for the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team. In a recent interview, she shared some of the secrets that have propelled countless athletes!

And what are Ms. Scott’s suggestions for women, specifically?
“Knees are a big concern, especially A.C.L. tears. Coaches and trainers of girls’ teams should make sure that the players warm up well and that they strengthen their legs, focusing on the muscles around the knees. Quad strength is important for women.”
Most would agree, though, that after allocating for differences in muscle, men and women use almost identical approaches to gain strength and endurance.

U.S. v Japan 2015

To gauge how you’re doing, listen to your body and see how you feel after workouts. Some people have access to state-of-the-art technology, but everyone else can still monitor progress with simple tools!
The most effective measure of reaching your goals is with photographs: one from before, one during, and one after. Encouragement is important, and you should get it from as many sources as possible! You need to be able to SEE the progress.

A main point for Ms. Scott is the recovery at the end of every workout… “If you don’t recover,” she said, “you start the next session tired and that sets you up for poor performance or injury.”
There are so many ways that you can recover and further prepare yourself for the next burst of activity.

Scott said she is “…of the mindset that athletes should try different methods and find what works for them. Even if a method only makes you feel better mentally, then it is worth using, since we often forget about relaxation of the recovery process.”

So, how exactly do you recover like one of the stars on Dawn Scott’s soccer team?

1. Cool down.
At the end, slowly and gently move around for 5 – 10 minutes to healthily bring your heart-rate to resting levels and prevent blood from pooling. It also helps to do light stretching.

2. Get a foam roller.
“Use the rollers as soon as you can after training and games,” said Ms. Scott. “But don’t push too hard on sore muscles or you can increase achiness. Let your muscles tell you what they can stand.”

3. Cool down even more!!!
If possible soon after the workout, Ms. Scott advises for you to “Fill your bathtub with cold water and add a couple of bags of ice. Sit in the tub for 10 minutes straight, and then shower normally.”

4. Squeeze.
Pull on compression shorts or socks for a few hours, and sleep in them for maximum benefit.

5. Sleep in Better Conditions.
Recent scientific data has shown that having electronics and other lights on while asleep takes away from sleep quality. Maximize your rest and turn them off! Also, get the right number of hours, and reduce ambient noise.

Following a consistent exercise schedule can be hard, but by learning how to better care for your body, you’ve already done the first few steps!!!
And now you know how to take full advantage of all your workouts. 🙂
Make sure you give yourself credit. You’re doing the best you can, and improving every day!

Yours in Calmness,
Dr. Inessa

6 Tips for Lengthening Your Day & Better Managing Your Time!!!

Either you run the day, or the day runs you!

I’ve been ambitious lately, taking on new ventures and projects. These past few weeks, especially, I’ve noticed that sometimes it’s tough fitting all of our duties and projects into the day.
Why is a day 24 hours with 6 – 8 hours already allocated for sleep and another 3 – 4 hours already allocated for meals?? That leaves only 12 – 15 hours for all of our chores!!!
Some days, do you find that it seems impossible?

time wings

What if I told you that time is relative, and this fact is directly related to your life?
I, among countless others, am living proof that depending on how you look at things and organize your day, you can effectively squeeze more time in!

This mindset is best summarized as fitting 30+ hours into the 24-hour day. Now, of course I’m not speaking literally…
Most successful people attribute a lot of their success to time management – I daresay it might be the most important skill of all!

Here are some quick tips to help you fit as many hours as possible into each of your days:

1) Wake up early. It’s easy to procrastinate (as well as sleep late) but leaving yourself many hours from the start is helpful both physically and psychologically.

2) Make a list — either the night before, or as one of your first tasks of the day! There’s something about the feeling of accomplishment as you cross things off and are able to re-write it as a much shorter version – somehow it encourages you to finish more!

3) Aim to arrive (or start a project) early! If you always try to be early, chances are you’ll at least be on time… Plus, you are better able to keep yourself calm and on-task, since you’re not stressed about tiny delays.


4) Focus – multi-task as RARELY as possible!!! It helps to group similar tasks together for efficiency, but science recently proved that you’re much more productive when you’re not always trying to multi-task. This is also proof that you work better when you block out distractions. Get creative and don’t be afraid to let people know!

5) Give yourself time limits on tasks, and break up the day with assigned time-slots. For example, decide that you’ll finish Task A in an hour (or) by 9AM. This technique helps keep your day exciting, and moving along!

6) Step AWAY from trying to be perfect… It’s usually true that just finishing a task is better than taking longer and having fewer flaws. Aim to do things extremely well, while still being effective and fast. 🙂

Do yourself a favor, and recognize that you can progress at a comfy speed and still move mountains!! Gift yourself a block of time — even 5 minutes helps — between tasks so you can stay relaxed and smiling!
It may not seem like much, but it truly pays off to shave off blocks of time that would have been wasted otherwise! Lastly, find ways weekly to reward yourself for your productivity… You deserve it!

Welcome to the 30+ Hours a Day Club!!!

Yours in Calmness,
Dr. Inessa

Synchronicity’s Electricity

This week’s entry is contributed by Reverend Michelle, a talented De-stresser Extraordinaire and gifted healing facilitator! Rev. Michelle is a Life Coach & Wellness Scientist, and has been a Hypnotherapist since 1999.

jung_ synchrnoicity

The effects and ramifications that come along with this type of thing have been around a long time, and even (I would guess) way before Wallace Wattles’ The Science of Getting Rich.
It’s a true pleasure reaching these lovely synchronicities, or whatever you call them in your life – be it divine miracles, happy coincidences, or spontaneously wonderful accidents.

People have different definitions of what this means. To some it’s the divine itself; and to others it’s just the series of ‘unexplainable’ coincidences occurring, or where certain patterns keep repeating…
I’d venture to say you might have first noticed it when you became friendlier with (and more trusting of) your intuition. Contrary to some old notions, both men and women are naturally able to develop it!!!
There’s something about turning one’s choices over to intuition that seems to avail oneself to synchronicity,” says Allan Combs, Ph.D., a psychology professor at the UNC of Asheville & co-author of Synchronicity: Science, Myth and the Trickster. “In practice, that can mean moving from moment to moment when making decisions, even small decisions – especially small decisions! If you expect the unexpected, synchronicity will emerge.”

If you’re open, receptive, and non-judgmental your intuition’s voice will become stronger! Of course, being doubtful and cynical weakens the volume, but it takes practice to decipher and flourish your intuition.

Trusting in this process more and more (with even the most minute of decisions) will cause you to notice more synchronicity as well… but, whether this is due to extra occurrences or just due to you being more observant is left to mystery.
Either way, I’m sure you’ve wondered at one point or another: ‘What does this mean? Surely there is some overarching purpose and reasoning behind these experiences…?’

You’re right!
It means that you are on a great path and that your mission is synced up with the general idea of ‘for the good of all’.


Those are the basic principles of abundance too… To know that you have already attained what you seek (expecting that it is already so, instead of only hoping), and to wish the same greatness and abundance for all. The beauty of it lies in seeing all of this play out by way of tiny miracles!!!! I feel that these miracles are the universe’s way of giving us “good job” stickers.

How much of a boundary is there between your inner and outer environments? All profound change requires looking inward (introspection) and better fusing your different components. Also, hearing echoes (of sorts) in your life – when the same motifs or sequences of words or numbers play out in seemingly unrelated areas – is confirmation that you’re bridging gaps! Synchronicity is the music of our inner and outer worlds harmonizing!

Please feel free to respond directly to me or comment below with your stories of Synchronicity!

Have a wonderful week. 🙂
Yours in Calmness,
Dr. Inessa

Once in a Blue Moon: Rare Transformational Trio

This week’s entry is contributed by Reverend Michelle, a talented De-stresser Extraordinaire and gifted healing facilitator. Rev. Michelle is a Life Coach & Wellness Scientist, and has been a Hypnotherapist since 1999!

Noteworthy celestial events that occurred in the past week are a few planets going into retrograde, and a “blue moon” on Friday!

These events are usually more tied together with our own personal battles than we’d like to admit… The reason why they’re so valid is that we were originally stardust! And we’re also ultimately affected by large-scale magnetic and gravitational tugs. Plus, sometimes it’s fun to have a little help when piecing together all of life’s mysteries.

The significance of this past week’s Blue Moon is not its rarity — the term means two full moons happening in the same month, and the next one is in 2018. Its meaning is actually the magical way it helps us keep our feet on the ground and our heads in the clouds at the same time! Maybe its undertones say something different to you… Maybe you’re realizing the culmination of your work or the details to making your life more satisfying.

"Blue Hour" since blue moon isn't actually blue; Credit: Shreenivasan Manievannan, South Carolina
“Blue Hour”
since the blue moon isn’t actually blue.

Venus and Uranus both went into retrograde last week.

But what is retrograde?
When Earth passes by another planet it gives us the illusion that the planet slows down, stops, and then starts moving in reverse. In truth, it only appears as if this happens – planets don’t generally orbit backwards. However, here on Earth it’s the friction (caused by one planet passing another) that we feel the effects of. Sometimes this friction causes abrupt jolts on an energetic level that force us to face the things that require change — even if we aren’t ready to admit change is needed!

You might notice that questions you had from long ago are sorting themselves out and effectively smoothing over areas of your life. Or maybe the mysteries are unraveling more slowly, and you feel a strong urge to solve them once and for all!

In order to have beneficial change, sometimes we need to exit the comfort zone… You may be feeling strange things right now and that’s OK! Occasionally it helps to make decisions that FEEL right to you… instead of decisions that only make sense rationally.
This is a great time to welcome the idea of a huge transformation. Never fear the alternatives! Sometimes life hands us interesting (and seemingly random) opportunities, and often they really are worth considering!

This is also a time of contemplation and reflection in the areas of passion and love. People may be unexpectedly coming into or going out of your life right now. In relationships, try not to be hasty, because sometimes it’s easy to misread signals or gain an unbalanced and distorted perception of a situation.

A time of reflection could also mean coming to terms with things, or even braving the lessons that have revealed themselves.

Forgive, Accept, Let Go, and Love Yourself a bit more, you really do deserve it!!!
It’s only once in a blue moon that you get this rich of an opportunity!

Thank you for reading and I hope you’re having a great week.

Yours in calmness,
Dr. Inessa