Hopefully this June is treating you well so far!!!
By now I hope you’ve experienced (and gained help from) all the other installments of this abundance series! If not, please feel free to read the other four entries. All of these ideas are flexible and can be read in any order.
I recently re-read The Science of Getting Rich (by Wallace D. Wattles), and it inspired me to write this abundance series. It’s unfortunate that sometimes we catch ourselves forgetting that everyone has the ability and the opportunities to receive riches!
However, remember that everyone DOES have the ability and opportunity to get rich!
That means that you – whoever you may be – are always included in this sphere of riches!
You, too, can become rich if you put your mind and your actions to the goal.
Do you find yourself wanting more paraphrased nuggets of wisdom???
Here are my final key paraphrased points:
(1) Getting rich really comes down to this method of harmonizing with the universe and communicating the true depth of your desires. NOTHING MATTERS, not environment, not profession, nor life’s circumstances – but what does matter is this process combines positive thinking with joyful gratitude, and doing things in the certain way. Thank yourself for all the beautiful opportunities that surround you, and that allow you to freely celebrate abundance every day.
(2) This is a summary in the first person that you can say to yourself.
I will certainly get rich,
in exact proportion to:
– the definiteness of my vision,
– the fixity of my purpose,
– the steadiness of my faith,
– and the depth of my gratitude.
I enjoy wrapping all of my gratitude-presents and expressing & impressing them upon my world. I always meet the right people, at the right time, for the right project. I make all the money I choose, whenever I choose, doing what I love to do. Thank you!!!
(3) Never dwell upon former poverty, because that perpetuates it. Instead, focus on the coming to riches, the becoming wealthy. This is in regards to you, others, and the world. Continue to nix all notions or emotions regarding competitiveness – there is more than enough riches, more than excess riches.
(4) Be open to receiving money, every moment of every day. Know that money comes to you in many unforeseen ways, and people love to pay you money for the things you most enjoy doing. The more money you have, the more money flows to you, and multiplies into infinity and continuously, for the good and abundance of all! Thank you!
Remember, also, that this world is ours and that nature is our ally!!! Everyone deserves (and can access) wealth and abundance. Everyone deserves to know they deserve abundance and to harmoniously achieve the full gamut of their desires and ideal life-situation!!! And everyone can also allow a wave of genuinely thankful emotion Electrify and Inspire them a few times each day!
Keep an eye out for abundance series packages that can help you take this prosperity to whole new levels! They will be available exclusively from Coastal Lilacs Health Solutions. For updates, discounts & deals, and occasional inspirational positivity, like my page facebook.com/coastallilacs .
I’m a Wellness Scientist and healer with over 15 years’ experience.
For 6+ years I’ve been experimenting and healing in a zone where science and metaphysics collide!
The unique (and cutting-edge) healing solutions I’ve developed blend wellness science and proven methods, and are backed by alternative therapy and meticulous & ongoing research.
Yours in Calmness,
Reverend Michelle