On Autumn And Being Awesome

As we transition from summer to fall, it’s important to come to terms with the shift. Closing another summer chapter, and filing all the occurrences together as exactly what they were. Progressing past any lingering expectations, and allowing yourself to be immersed in this new season!


Be okay with things not always coming together as you’d envisioned, because sometimes they’re just going to fall together in another (more?) perfect way.
Now begins this season of near-flawless weather, and the time of some lovely holidays all clustered together. We’re not in the sweltering heat, nor the freezing cold, but we’re now in one of those happy medium seasons that just makes it a joy to step outside.

Life may be ridiculous sometimes with its inevitable rollercoasters, but remember the gifts always outweigh! We wake up every single day as magnets for miracles.
So do some mental, spiritual (and perhaps even) physical fall cleaning! Clear away all the unnecessary remnants of summer and begin a new slate. Surround yourself with wonderful and positive people/things, and further cultivate your love for/of life!


I’m so thankful!
Thank you!

I hope you’re having a beautiful day. 🙂

Yours in Calmness,
Reverend Michelle

revmichelle.com / facebook.com/coastallilacs

~ These 2 Things Are a Misuse of Your Imagination ~

This is a PSA: Stop misusing your imagination by dwelling on thoughts related to worry and fear!
Now in this time of differing environmental conditions and tumultuous political frameworks, it’s helpful to stay reflective, and remain more open than ever to positive outcomes.

Let’s take just a moment to delve into the details of more befitting perceptions…!


If you’re doing everything that you can to maximize your safety, and the relative ‘best outcome’ series of events occurring every day – then give yourself some credit.
It matters not whether you have many dependents or if you’re your only dependent.
You’re the glue. You’re the lantern. You’re the shining example for your little corner of the world. Thank you for that!

Focus your daydreams on more happy truths. Remember that the universe and daily life are what you make of them….. So make them even more awesome than they already are!

Focus more on (you, others, everyone else, the world) coming into wealth, health, and happiness.

Focus more on spontaneous glimmers; focus on the gifts life gives us every moment if we pause to look; focus on the smiles and kind expressions that even strangers will pass along more often than not. 🙂

Release worries for yourself and those you love and opt instead on more positive outlooks! Visualize your/their safety! Imagine (to the tiniest detail) the freedom and joy and everything working out amazingly! And be thankfully happy, knowing this is already so.


Remember, as often as you possibly can, how it’s literally Mind Over Matter. You create your own reality with every whim, with every reaction, with every momentary decision of your thoughts’ direction.
Use that! Thank you for being the Lightworker that you are!

Please keep paying it forward and experiencing the bountiful beauty of our daily existences! Thanks again.
Have a wonderful rest of your week. 🙂

Yours in Calmness,
Reverend Michelle
Revmichelle.com / facebook.com/coastallilacs

Positive-Speak In A First Person POV

A change in format this week… today I’m publishing something that’s in the first-person.


I am sooo lucky…. it’s pretty ridiculous how it takes something extreme to really let the light shine at the right octave.

A utopian solution is just that: light shining at a perfect angle. As yet, life has still handed me so many beautiful fruits and I realize now I was wrong calling them all citrus.

I have some very amazing people in my life. I’m honored to call them family and friends.
One looks at the world and sees with certain amenities one is in the upper class… It’s just the day to day that sometimes makes it rough.

I feel so much the wiser in the flowing nature of oxymoronic truths.
The only Truth one needs to survive is a genuine trust in self, in gut, in instinct.
That’s probably the hardest and most expensive lesson I’ve ever learned…!

So many convoluted routes and wasteful habits, so much ignorance roaming about …. It’s easy to fall off track and off the wagon.
The real beauty is in finding the route least traversed and rocking out to one’s own jam while promoting dignity and contentment in all aims.

Everything for myself I wish, I also wish for everyone else. The universe is so full of gifts and faerie-esque elements – there is ALL WAYS enough to go around!

I aim to continue to observe with only positivity the oxymorons of life and live continuously smiling, while persevering ramifications and pitfalls and stumblings and all.
I seek to show those I care for true love and to forever be a beacon of Light. I strive to always spread joy and kindness, to enjoy childlike & spontaneous adventure, and to be free and emanate freedom for the good of all! And, of course, to live life abundancing. 🙂


I am incredibly lucky. My life is increasingly auspicious! My heart and my brain and my DNA are all vibing harmoniously with positivity! Thank you for all my gifts! 🙂

Thanks for reading!
Yours in Calmness,
Reverend Michelle
revmichelle.com / Follow Me