Encouraging Community Health


This is a topic that is frequently ignored and something that just about anyone can contribute to…
All it takes is a bit of effort to encourage an atmosphere of learning and exposure to information in your community or region or neighborhood or town.
You don’t have to be an administrator or manager to have sway on your surroundings!


The simplest approach is learning different things yourself and then actively spreading this positive and informed knowledge or message. It could just be a feeling or sentiment, in terms of how someone is worth far more than what they value themselves at.
Or perhaps yours is a message of abundance and how people can reframe their perceptions and opinions just with some calmness, respect, and level-headedness. We create our own reality, and with non-verbal cues (and verbal ones) we can effect other people’s reality for the better, too.
In these (sometimes really creative) ways, we are benefiting our community one person at a time, and improving overall positivity of the region wherein we live.

Sometimes all this approach means is a random and genuine smile to… coworkers or family or significant others, or just literally anyone you come across. I know in some areas it’s weird for people to smile at one another, but even if it isn’t returned know that you added a little light to that person’s world for a moment.

Sometimes all it comes down to is having compassion for people, and actively listening! Having some patience and understanding for those around you. You’d be surprised how much positivity (or the opposite) you can exude. Remember that a few positively-aligned sentences here or there could have a truly profound effect on someone!

In order to get to the point where you feel confident enough to spread this light, you must feel confident in yourself and your own unique propelling onward to your dreams and Utopia. 🙂
Give yourself that credit! You are truly one of a kind. 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Yours in Calmness,
Reverend Michelle
Revmichelle.com // facebook.com/coastallilacs

Happy 11/11 ~ A Message Of Hope and Peace

As America Reels (And Wonders)… A Message Of Hope :).
Various messages of fear, disdain, and worse are being spread; But what we really need is love.
Amid worry, angst, division, and uncertainty…
Now is the time to LET THE LIGHT SHINE.

We knew a big shift was coming, well here it is!
Be the light_worker you are! Continue doing what you do, and expand and flourish that light!
Stars shine brightly, correct?
And you know that every single one of us, including you, is made of stardust? Plus, we’re inhaling it daily (particles rain down and combine with the oxygen we breathe).
Be the star you are and SHINE, regardless of who else is shining (or, decidedly, not shining)!


Remember, we create our own reality, and we shape (to some degree) the events around or pertaining to) us.
Now is the time to remain respectful and courteous, and wish exceptional things/outcomes for (and to) all.
Spread love ,
help eradicate negative sentiments, and be a positive beacon. 
Love to the earth , Love to our people , Love to all living things , Love to all.
Harmony abounds , Abundance and prosperity for all!!!
Happiness, contentment, and liberation to every single human being on Earth, and especially in America!


So much love to the UNITED STATES, in this tumultuous time. THANK YOU. 
Now is the time to further tap into Your Heart, let it guide how you view the world and those around you, and continuously encourage the love.
In this way, we are syncing up with all the positive LOVE vibrations, and can overcome tendencies towards the contrary. Perhaps even in a big way, to where we affect and effect the turn of events, in a positive and constructive manner! With enough of us in this mindset, and shedding the veils or other mindsets, we can OVERCOME and SHINE to where upcoming change is closer to utopian, and intense cultural shifts are more smoothly & beautifully brought about. 

Thank you!!!! HAPPY 11/11!!!!!


Yours in Calmness,
Reverend Michelle
facebook.com/coastallilacs //// revmichelle.com