Molding Life’s Circumstances To Your Desires

You’ve probably noticed that “if you don’t ask for what you want, you’ll never get it”. This is an important concept, because most people feel that the polite thing to do is to imply what they want, instead of saying it straight out. And, as much as it makes life and relationships better to be polite, it also helps life and relationships for you to be happy!

There are many aspects to feeling fulfilled but an important one is actually verbalizing desires. Most of us are out in the world trying to get through the day, and hoping to begin and end every one on a happy note. But that’s also the reason others are generally too absorbed in their individual thoughts to be extra considerate and borderline psychic for your benefit! It’s a true talent to remain considerate and still ask for what you want, and it’s a skill to frequently get the things you ask for!

if you don't ask

So how do you go about asking politely for what you want???

+ Remain tactful, and fully think out what you’re going to say. Perhaps compose some reasons why they might want to oblige you.
+ Be extra considerate to the person you’re asking, and go out of your way to make their day easier somehow.
+ Make eye-contact and smile! The strength of a free smile is immense!
+ Practice the wording of what you’re going to say in your head and perfect it as best you can, for the situation. Then take a deep breath and go for it!
+ Make sure you pick an opportune time to ask the person, and don’t disrupt something important, because it might sway them to refuse on principle.

Now, the same concept works in terms of remaining steadfast when you don’t want something.
When would this apply?

+ If your life is in a different place than the other person’s.
+ If you prefer to wait a little longer before you even have to make a decision.
+ Perhaps there are circumstances that the other people don’t know about, or haven’t considered, that affect your potential decision.

It’s of the utmost importance to maintain your dignity and feelings of self-worth! So when it comes to your life, how about you dictate more of the decisions???

Remember, no one ever has all the answers before they start a large undertaking; they have most of the answers and figure out the rest on the spot! Never hesitate to take extra time for yourself to think over a life choice. It’s your life and only your place to decide the directions in which your paths curve.
Have the faith and courage in yourself to grab the reigns and steer!

Thanks for reading!

I’m a Wellness Scientist and healer with over 15 years’ experience.
For over 6 years I’ve been experimenting and healing in a zone where science and metaphysics collide!
The unique (and cutting-edge) healing solutions I’ve developed blend proven techniques with a strong scientific influence.

Stay In Touch with me via FB for special deals, AND doses of inspirational positivity ~

Yours in Calmness,
Reverend Michelle