An Introduction to Kindsight

Happy Halloweekend!

This is a wonderful time of year where the weather is spontaneous yet almost perfect, and other holiday preparations are still on a glorious standby.
It’s a wondrous time of partial-costuming and planning creative festivities. It’s also a time to reflect on and appreciate, in many ways, the world around us.

Kindsight, similar to hindsight, is always 20-20. Whenever someone lives their life by looking through kindsight, they’re better able to gauge the realities around them. Plus, they’re automatically better able to perceive nuances and slight variations.
Kindsight literally creates art out of the adage ‘kill it with kindness’ because it’s no longer ‘kill’; it has now become seeing through a kindness filter, and reacting accordingly.
A great approach is practicing kindsight on yourself! You are most deserving of your acceptance, love, and gratitude!


Feel free to be silly, be weird, and be you! And, meanwhile, cultivate your version of being kind. 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend, and Happy Halloween!


Yours in Calmness,
Reverend Michelle ///