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“Reikinosis® is the gateway for the ultimate mind, body and spirit integration. The depth of the experience can be profound as she has the knowledge and the expertise to gain access into your deepest layers of conscious, subconscious and super conscious mind and to really guide you to realize your life’s purpose.”. . . . . . . Anthony W., California, USA
Are you ready to experience the life you’ve always longed for?
Joy, vitality, success and overall abundance awaits you.
Reikinosis® began as the integration of a focused ancient healing modality and a deeply relaxed state of body and mind; it evolved over the years into a five-step process which can effect quick and permanent positive life-changing transformations.
Reikinosis has many benefits for a variety of people: on a personal level, it will awaken the wisdom of the unconscious, freeing resources that have been hidden or trapped, interrupting old negative associations, and creating the space to learn new more supportive connections.
You can calm a raging appetite for smoking, weight, alcohol and drugs using Reikinosis and gain the deep calmness that facilitates full healing. Release anger, improve memory, overcome fears, learn natural pain control and more. If you ever had a desire to be able to naturally improve your body and mind, schedule your Reikinosis sessions now.
Medical therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy can benefit from Reikinosis by reducing the negative side effects and promoting the effectiveness of treatments. The healing of emotional traumas can be accelerated with Reikinosis, and it can be especially powerful in overcoming the trauma of incest and sexual abuse. Reikinosis provides relief from many ailments that benefit from improved internal energy flow, such as arthritis and other conditions of stiffness, maladjustment or pain. Some of my clients reported that as a result of a Reikinosis treatment their bones healed and cancer disappeared and although I can't promise similar results, I can show you what you can do to help yourself.
Amazing healings are taking place when Reikinosis clients allowed themselves to be guided to mega depth. Through Reikinosis you enter a state of altered awareness with acutely heightened suggestibility. Your body is relaxed, your mind is awake and aware, and you are more open to accepting new thoughts and feelings. You use the power of your mind to permanently replace negative associations in your subconscious with positive ones. These new associations continually influence your conscious mind to incorporate the changes you seek.
Reaching into the mega depth opens portals into the innermost parts of the subconscious mind, thus facilitating quick and permanent positive life-changing improvements in attitude.
Medical therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy can benefit from Reikinosis by reducing the negative side effects and promoting the effectiveness of treatments. The healing of emotional traumas can be accelerated with Reikinosis, and it can be especially powerful in overcoming the trauma of incest and sexual abuse. Reikinosis provides relief from many ailments that benefit from improved internal energy flow, such as arthritis and other conditions of stiffness, maladjustment or pain.
I use Reikinosis almost at every session. It helps my clients relax quickly and easily and facilitates optimal conditions for personal transformations.
BTW, It is not necessary to place hands on to transfer the focused healing energy. I often just hold my hands 1-2 inches away from the various areas on the body. I believe that intent is very important in this case, maybe even more so than with placing on hands. The atmosphere in the office is of calmness, tranquility and relaxation. Subdued lighting, soft music and sometimes incense burning, all are conducive to introspection and growth.
The concept of transfer of healing energy to open blockages is ancient one and spans many continents. Christ was able to heal with his hands, so was Buddha.
I believe that this ability is natural for us because we used it many times before… Now we are just remembering and rediscovering it again. You can often observe it take place when a mother comforts a wounded child, kisses the "boo boo" and "makes it go away". That is an example of energy transfer with the intent of healing.
Reikinosis five steps for self-manifestation are:
You, Becoming Beloved
In the first step, you will discover how to increase the reality that you deserve all the wonderful gifts available to you. You will immediately begin to apply the tools to increase your self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-nurturing.
You, Assessed Closely
In the second step, you will be asked to look at your life in a way that you may never have done before. You’ll evaluate your relationships and discover how to make decisions to propel your life forward.
You, Letting Go
If there are any habits preventing you from achieving the life of your dreams, you will be given the tools to let go of them easily, positively and permanently in step three.
You, A Masterpiece
At the fourth step, you are guided to visualize the ideal you and given the tools to create the life of your dreams. At this point, you will manifest the amazing masterpiece of your life.
You, A Stunning Superstar!
The fifth step takes you through the integration of the deep transformation into your life and gives the support you will need on your lifelong journey.
The winning combination of deep state relaxation, positive, constructive suggestions and proven methods for facilitating success helps launch you forward. You will love gliding through each step as you immediately begin using these powerful tools to create the changes you’ve always desired. Begin this life right here, right now.
If you're interested in becoming a part of the Reikinosis team, contact us to inquire about a Reikinosis practitioner certification course.