What It Means To Be An Empath, And How To Tell If You’re One

There are many definitions out there regarding what it means to be an empathic person, and many opinions about whether it’s positive or negative to even have this quality. The truth is that due to many factors that have already occurred in your life, more than likely you are already a certain percentage empathic. This means that, to a certain degree, you can empathize with people when they share stories with you, and you can put yourself in other people’s shoes in certain situations. I know most of us were raised with a constant battering of the phrase “before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes…” and we know that’s not for the purposes of getting a new pair of foot-candy.

The whole concept of not judging until you consider as many contributing elements as you can is (to me) the basic idea that sows the seeds for empathy. You begin to realize that even though some people’s lives seem charmed, or some others seem like they have everything going for them and nothing failing, you never know the full story. At the same time, they never know the full story about you – only what you allow to be shown.
That’s one of the reasons why social media is so popular nowadays too, because on there people can convey life the way they want only and no one is the wiser. Obviously, as with most things social media-related, things are often over-inflated and exaggerated.

life as awesome

So, what does it really mean to be an empath?
It means that to some degree you comprehend others’ plights when they tell you what they’re going through, and you (again, to some degree) feel their emotions yourself. Very strongly empathic people find themselves often internalizing other people’s pain. It’s almost automatic – they feel other people’s emotions so strongly that they become as their own. In these situations it’s important that they distance themselves more from others’ negativity (because it’s inevitable they’ll be around some of it in life) AND it’s also important they surround themselves with more positivity daily. These two things will greatly help an empath stay positive and feel more stable.

What’s the deeper reason there are empaths, and what’s the point?
As you may have already noticed, the natural universe works in a very efficient manner. In a general sense our world is always going through some sort of shift. People of both the spiritual and scientific slants agree that our current shift is in terms of becoming more positive. There are more people that are paying attention, there is more ability to transmit and share goodwill, there is more of a desire than ever to unite on a global scale with feelings of loving-kindness.
The purpose of the empathy inherent in everyone is to help with this shift. We can better agree and get along when we understand each other in a deeper emotional sense.
On a smaller scale it’s incredibly helpful to feel empathy in daily life – but not internalize it and suffer for someone else’s issues. Interactions are smoother, resolutions are easier, and smiles are more abundant when people use empathy in a positive manner with those around them.

Whether you feel empathy in a strong way or just as a small aside, I hope this has helped you to better understand the bigger picture and why it helps to groom those understanding skills. Be thankful (to yourself) that you are, in the realest sense, part of the greater good and the underlying cure that helps everyday to bring more positivity to the world.

I thank you, also. 🙂

I’m a Wellness Scientist and healer with over 15 years’ experience.
For over 6 years I’ve been experimenting and healing in a zone where science and metaphysics collide!The unique (and cutting-edge) healing solutions I’ve developed blend proven techniques with a strong scientific influence.

Stay In Touch with me via FB for special deals, AND doses of inspirational positivity ~ Facebook.com/coastallilacs .

Yours in Calmness,
Reverend Michelle

Why It’s Important To Be Nice, Regardless

We all have those people or situations in our daily lives that question our patience. If it’s people, we wonder why they don’t have the same common sense we do, or the same willingness to pick up what’s being put down. It can often be frustrating to have to deal with these people and still show them common courtesy when they seem to not be on the level. Same with situations (which really stem from similar people) and in these cases, we might find ourselves aggravated at the drop of a hat.

So what’s the deal? Why are some of these people occasionally intolerable, and some of these situations’ simplistic roots hard to wrap our heads around?
There’s really only one answer… these people are not as talented or smart, and perhaps they have incredibly low self-esteem. The latter, of course, can actually be debilitating in new situations, because when someone lacks self-confidence they don’t have the courage to delve into resolutions as easily.

Now, it is the mark of an intelligent and talented person to find surroundings annoying at times, simply because of irrational decisions made by others. So if you’ve ever experienced anything along these lines – and judging by the fact that you’re reading this right now, your intelligence is obvious and I gather you have — give yourself a pat on the back! Recognizing and acknowledging your own worth is a must!

So, why is it important to be nice to everyone, regardless of their seeming lack of common sense???
Well, the easy answer is that being nice helps things get done, and it’s the grease to efficiency in the workplace and even in home-life. The more complex answer is that when you realize the root of why people are that way it’s easier for you to communicate with them, and help them raise their self-esteem and common sense levels.
Instead of succumbing to aggravation and being perplexed by their silly ways of doing things, remember the probable reason why they are acting in that manner. Utilize the opportunity to uplift them, to give them confidence, and to teach them the tools of the common-sense trade.

kind to the unkind

I think you’ll find that these people and situations are more effortless to deal with if you use that tactic, and… who knows? The issues might just iron themselves out eventually to where better decisions are made and better mannerisms are exhibited.

Thanks for reading!

I’m a Wellness Scientist and healer with over 15 years’ experience.
For over 6 years I’ve been experimenting and healing in a zone where science and metaphysics collide!
The unique (and cutting-edge) healing solutions I’ve developed blend proven techniques with a strong scientific influence.

Stay In Touch with me via FB for special deals, AND doses of inspirational positivity ~ Facebook.com/coastallilacs.

Yours in Calmness,
Reverend Michelle

5 Ways To Start Bending Time To Your Will!

How will you ever have enough time to accomplish everything you strive for? Sometimes it seems that we are racing against the odds, trying to finish countless projects in a limited time. And often people in retirement years are amazed by how much they accomplished while working multiple jobs and holding down a family…

Most likely, you already know this is possible. It only seems overwhelming because you’re trying to hold everything in your conscious brain and expecting to perform wonderfully besides. This is when it’s helpful to utilize the implements of productivity that are all around.
Of course, lists are great but only if they are efficient and in a convenient spot that will help.

There are many people that profess that you can stretch extra hours into the day just by careful planning and by maximizing your most alert time periods. Everyone’s different in regards to when they feel the most productive, since it depends on the sleep schedule and physical disposition. Some are night owls, and some are early birds. But even if you’re a night owl (which I am), going to sleep earlier and then waking up earlier allows you to accomplish a lot more by the time of the day during which you might have previously just been getting up. It’s because staying awake much longer into the night does seem productive, but at the same time your mind and body are winding down in some ways, and you aren’t as able to function as right after waking.

So, how do you maximize your days and accomplish loads of your to-do projects?

1) Earlier to bed and earlier to rise, and allow yourself extra time for everything, so that you have ample opportunity to wake up gently and in a great mood. When you’re not rushed and you are in a happier mood from the start, you’re more likely to be productive.

2) Create a few lists in terms of your short-term and long-term projects. Don’t expect yourself to remember everything and surely don’t overdo it with post-its, because the goal is to shrink the list instead of making it seem bulkier than it is.

3) Give yourself rewards for accomplishing a lot and for crossing things off your list. Treat yourself to nice food, or get yourself a better version of something you use everyday. This can actually be a double-bonus, because it’s been shown that when you have better-made objects then you replace them less frequently, and are able to get more use out of them in the meantime.

4) Don’t sign up for too much all at once. Give yourself the opportunity to do things sooner than they’re due, but don’t allow your deadlines to all stack together. This one point alone will save you lots of overwhelming feelings.

5) Recognize that even though we’re used to having time as a linear thing that is static, it’s actually quite relative as well. Our perceptions of our experiences are always shaping how time flows at that given point.

time travelling

Incorporate some of these ideas and you will notice your days are getting longer and your to-do lists are getting shorter. And always remember to stay confident in your amazing abilities… What fun would life be if it didn’t challenge us?

Thanks for reading!

I’m a Wellness Scientist and healer with over 15 years’ experience.
For over 6 years I’ve been experimenting and healing in a zone where science and metaphysics collide!
The unique (and cutting-edge) healing solutions I’ve developed blend proven techniques with a strong scientific influence.

Stay In Touch with me via FB for special deals, AND doses of inspirational positivity ~ Facebook.com/coastallilacs.

Yours in Calmness,
Reverend Michelle

Molding Life’s Circumstances To Your Desires

You’ve probably noticed that “if you don’t ask for what you want, you’ll never get it”. This is an important concept, because most people feel that the polite thing to do is to imply what they want, instead of saying it straight out. And, as much as it makes life and relationships better to be polite, it also helps life and relationships for you to be happy!

There are many aspects to feeling fulfilled but an important one is actually verbalizing desires. Most of us are out in the world trying to get through the day, and hoping to begin and end every one on a happy note. But that’s also the reason others are generally too absorbed in their individual thoughts to be extra considerate and borderline psychic for your benefit! It’s a true talent to remain considerate and still ask for what you want, and it’s a skill to frequently get the things you ask for!

if you don't ask

So how do you go about asking politely for what you want???

+ Remain tactful, and fully think out what you’re going to say. Perhaps compose some reasons why they might want to oblige you.
+ Be extra considerate to the person you’re asking, and go out of your way to make their day easier somehow.
+ Make eye-contact and smile! The strength of a free smile is immense!
+ Practice the wording of what you’re going to say in your head and perfect it as best you can, for the situation. Then take a deep breath and go for it!
+ Make sure you pick an opportune time to ask the person, and don’t disrupt something important, because it might sway them to refuse on principle.

Now, the same concept works in terms of remaining steadfast when you don’t want something.
When would this apply?

+ If your life is in a different place than the other person’s.
+ If you prefer to wait a little longer before you even have to make a decision.
+ Perhaps there are circumstances that the other people don’t know about, or haven’t considered, that affect your potential decision.

It’s of the utmost importance to maintain your dignity and feelings of self-worth! So when it comes to your life, how about you dictate more of the decisions???

Remember, no one ever has all the answers before they start a large undertaking; they have most of the answers and figure out the rest on the spot! Never hesitate to take extra time for yourself to think over a life choice. It’s your life and only your place to decide the directions in which your paths curve.
Have the faith and courage in yourself to grab the reigns and steer!

Thanks for reading!

I’m a Wellness Scientist and healer with over 15 years’ experience.
For over 6 years I’ve been experimenting and healing in a zone where science and metaphysics collide!
The unique (and cutting-edge) healing solutions I’ve developed blend proven techniques with a strong scientific influence.

Stay In Touch with me via FB for special deals, AND doses of inspirational positivity ~ Facebook.com/coastallilacs.

Yours in Calmness,
Reverend Michelle